Ben understands teams and high performance, he has competed successfully in yachting’s premier events for more than 15 years. Ocean sailing in the most difficult conditions, battling gale force winds, mountainous swells, physical exhaustion, while competing against the worlds best crews. In these conditions success is sweet but mistakes can be fatal, understanding your own capabilities and the crews’ is essential.
Ben has trained sailors, selected, built and led high performance crews. He has competed in eight Sydney to Hobart races, participated in three America’s Cup Campaigns sailing in Young Australia (1999), Great Britain’s Challenge (2002 – 2003) and Sweden’s Victory Challenge (2006 – 2007). He was a world match tour competitor for4 years. In addition to this he holds two Australian national titles and three world records, including the fastest sail powered yacht crossing of the Atlantic. In kite surfing, an interest that became a passion, Ben has applied the same determination to succeed. He had a dream to become the first person to cross Bass Strait on a kite board, in 2006 this became a reality and while others have followed he still holds the record for the fastest crossing