Dustin Wilson

Dustin lets his achievements speak for themselves. As part of the Winter Olympic Games Institute of Australia coaching team he coached the women’s aerial team to become the highest ranked aerial team in the world in 2003 – 2004. On the World Cup Freestyle Aerial Tour 2003-2004 his team secured 15 World Cup Gold medals and 30 World Cup Podium finishes.

In 2005 he joined the Chinese Ski Association as head coach taking a second tier team to the elite level in two years, culminating in an historic performance at the Olympic Winter Games, Torino Italy, in 2006. The team secured a Gold medal in the Men’s Aerials (a first for China), a Silver in the Women’s Aerials and secured a place in the finals for six of his eight athletes – an achievement no other team could match then or today.

In the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver Canada, again as the Chinese Head Coach, his team produced a Silver and Bronze medal in Women’s Aerials, and Bronze medal in the Men’s Aerials. In the World Cup Aerial tour 2009-2010 his team produced seven World Cup Golds,23 World Cup Podiums, Women’s World Cup Overall Grand Prix Globe winner, Men’s 2nd and 3rd place World Cup Overall Aerial Grand Prix, Nations Cup and the Men’s Rookie of the Year. In 2010 a grateful Chinese nation awarded Dustin the Friendship Award, the highest honour the Chinese Government can bestow on a foreign national.

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